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Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Christ’s Peace Passes All Our Understanding; This Gift of God is Opened with Help by the Holy Spirit

Tip! “Asking of God” and “receiving” from the Lord - direct request to God, immediate connection with God - that is true prayer.

"...Let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."-- Philippians. 4:6, 7.

We are intelligent enough of having the truth of God's Word revealed to us by the Holy Spirit. So when Paul talks of the mind he is unmistakably speaking of our intellect, our feelings, and our understanding. We all have the ability to think and to reason about the things of God. However it is impossible to comprehend the peace of God without the help of the Holy Spirit. We are not able to analyze the peace of God in the laboratory of our minds to learn of its true character; nor can we discover the component parts of God's peace by the systems of modern science and philosophy. His peace passes all human understanding. In this uncertain world we live in there are times when our minds are deeply puzzled by the problems confronting us. Many times we cannot depend on our own emotional state to find the answer to life's trials and tribulations. But when He was in the middle of all of life's problems Jesus said,

"...In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." -- John 16:33

Wow! This means that for the person that is equipped by the eternal peace of Christ, this life has no fears and death holds no horror. He is our peace and our protection. The peace that is received in answer to our prayers will not stop the problems of this life from confusing us; but His peace does prevent these trials from succeeding over us.

When we are under the weather or sick, when our nerves are stressed, when we are always on the brink of tears, our faith will be flooded by our feelings. These are the times when our feelings will contradict our faith. Illness can discourage our emotions to such a level that we are ready to doubt our relationship with Christ. In these times of testing it appears that the joy of the Lord has left, and we are persuaded to think that for some unknown reason we are experiencing the disapproval of the Lord. Our befuddled state of mind is because of our ill health. Our loving Lord has not been saddened by our sickness of body and mind, but is waiting to hear from you in prayer so He can answer you and came to help you.

Tip! “Intercession” is amplification in prayer; it is going out in broadness and fullness from ones self for others. Primarily, it does not center in praying for others, but refers to the freeness, boldness and childlike confidence in praying.

When in life we sometimes seem to stand at the edge of a mind-boggling, uncross-able gulf that is not humanly understandable and seems impossible to cross. And when we come to the place where reasoning ends and despair begins, we will discover that Christ's protective peace is like a bridge that spans this gulf that our own limited understanding could not cross. But only when we cry out to God in holy prayer for His protective peace can this problem be crossed.

Tip! Prayer is always and everywhere an immediate and confiding approach to, and a request of, God the Father.

The weakness of our body can cause our imagination to run wild. Sickness can cause many incredible ideas and strange perversion to disturb and confuse our minds. Some unhappy people imagine they are being tormented by evil spirits. Some think their nervous disorders are caused by some strange power of Satan. These stressful nervous illnesses and unwarranted fears are rooted only because of their physical condition. Would a just and holy God allow His praying and trusting people to become the unwilling victims of satanic power? Of course not! He has provided a peace to guard their hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Tip! THE possibilities of prayer are gauged by faith in God's ability to do. Faith is the one prime condition by which God works.

The terrifying thought, that if anyone who is truly born again in Christ Jesus could forfeit all hope of salvation, exists only in their frazzled imaginations. If these troubled people will exercise faith in a merciful and faithful Christ, and humbly ask Him for help and hope, their groundless fears will immediately pass away, and the peace of God will comfort their troubled hearts.

Our Saviour has freely paid a great price to redeem us from all sin. He cannot deny His saving mercy and grace from anyone seeking and longing with all their heart to please Him in everything. The peace of God will stop us from becoming the hopeless prey of our troubled minds if we will only pray without stopping, and continue to believe on the name of the Son of God.

When Jesus said, "...Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid," He intentionally wanted to impress upon us the fact that we can prevent the fears and troubles of this world from entering our hearts and minds. He expects us to keep our minds fixed firmly to Him. The inspired prophet saw this fact when he said,

Tip! Talking to God – This is the one on one type prayer – where we converse with God to develop our relationship with him. We may ask him to help us in areas that we need spiritual, physical or emotional support.

"Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee; because he trusteth in thee." -- Isaiah 26:3

The Psalmist said,

"Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved." -- Psalm 55:22

Only if we continue to make our requests known to God by prayer and plead (supplication) with thanksgiving, He will not allow us to be provoked by the forces of evil in this turbulent world.

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