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Friday, February 02, 2007

We Owe it to Ourselves to take Adequate Time While Praying, to Listen to His Voice

Tip! “Intercession” is amplification in prayer; it is going out in broadness and fullness from ones self for others. Primarily, it does not center in praying for others, but refers to the freeness, boldness and childlike confidence in praying.

"...Every one that asks receives..." -- Luke 11:10.

In these words, Jesus is stressing the fact that we are not to rest or stop praying without an answer to our request. In other words, He is saying that if it is our Father's will, and the rule of His house to give the requests of His believing children, then we can expect Him to answer us; But only in His time and way.

Most of the time when no answer is received we jump to the conclusion and say that it must not the will of our Father to grant us an answer to our prayers. It is much easier to give up to our own bogus way of thinking about the answer to prayer than it is to shake off our laziness and seek God until we receive an answer. There are too many people who will rest easy and never grasp a true distinct understanding of answered prayer. This sad fact reveals just how serious a decline we have in our Christian life in these last days. These miserable souls pray every day, they ask their Father for many things, and sincerely hope that He will answer some of their prayers. They obviously do not know that our heavenly Father wills to do for us daily what we ask in faith. This is the rule of spiritual life; we receive definite answers to prayer.

Look again at the words of Jesus just as they were spoken. Do not allow our human way of thinking to obstruct or weaken the power of His teachings about our asking and receiving. We owe it to ourselves to take adequate time while praying, to listen to His voice, and believe this truth that "Every one that asks receives."

What has happened in our past has been forgiven through the blood of Christ, if you are truly born again. Therefore we should never use our numerous failures of the past to measure our faith for the present. We have to hold on to the guaranteed fact that the effectual fervent prayer of God's obedient child avails much.

Tip! THE possibilities of prayer are gauged by faith in God's ability to do. Faith is the one prime condition by which God works.

Read Luke 11:11-13 again in your Bible. Can you see that the son's request for bread is based on his relationship to the father? It is because of this good relationship that the son has the undeniable right to anticipate that his father will answer his requests. So when Jesus speaks about the son asking bread from his father, He is talking about an obedient son, a child who has a good relationship with his father. The child that finds no pleasure in obeying his father and assumes that they can still ask and receive what ever they wish will unquestionably be let down. But for the child who loves and honors their father will find it is the father's good pleasure to answer their daily prayers.

Consistent living on our part as children of God is the stipulation for achieve the answer to prayer. God's instructions require obedience in the way we live, and His promises relating to our praying are inseparable. You can not have one without the other. That is God's Word not mine.

Tip! The person who prays, has a belief that they will receive an answer. The prayer is intended to inculcate certain attitudes in the one who prays, rather than to influence the recipient.

We can definitely count on God to accomplish His promise of answering our prayer if we obey His sovereign will in every thing we do. Think for a moment and take time to meditate on all the tenderness and love our heavenly Father has for us as His obedient children.


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