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Friday, August 04, 2006

The Wonders of Prayer Have Not Stopped

Mighty is the power of prayer. Wonderful are its fruits. Remarkable things are brought to pass by men of prayer. Many are the wonders of prayer wrought by an Almighty hand. The evidences of prayer’s accomplishments almost stagger us. They challenge our faith. They encourage our expectations when we pray.

From stories in the Holy Bible, we get a bird’s-eye view of the large possibilities of prayer and the urgent necessity of prayer. We see how God commits Himself into the hands of those who truly pray. Great are the wonders of prayer because great is the God who hears and answers prayer. Great are these wonders because great are the rich promises made by a great God to those who pray.

We have seen prayer’s far-reaching possibilities and its absolute, unquestioned necessity, and we have also seen that the earlier postings on these facts and explanation were essential in order to bring the subject more clearly, truly and strongly before our minds. The Church more than ever needs a deep conviction of the huge importance of prayer in prosecuting the work committed to it. More praying must be done, and better praying if the Church is to be able to perform the difficult, delicate and responsible task, given to it by her Lord and Master. Defeat awaits a non-praying Church. Success is sure to follow a Church that is given too much prayer. The supernatural element in the Church, without which it must fail, comes only through praying. More time, in this busy bustling age, must be given to prayer by a God-called Church. More thought must be given to prayer in this thoughtless, silly age of superficial religion. More heart and soul must be in the praying that is done if the Church would go forth in the strength of her Lord and perform the wonders which are her heritage by Divine promise.

“O Spirit of the Living God,
In all thy plenitude of grace,
Where’er the foot of man hath trod,
Descend on our apostate race.

“Give tongues of fire and hearts of love,
To preach the reconciling word,
Give power and unction from above,
Where’er the joyful sound is heard.”

It might be in order to give an instance or two in the life of Rev. John Wesley, showing some remarkable displays of spiritual power. Many times it is stated that this noted man gathered his company together, and prayed all night, or till the mighty power of God came upon them. It was at a Watch Night service, at Fetter Lane, December 31, 1738, when Charles and John Wesley, with Whitfield, sat up till after midnight singing and praying. This is the account:

“About three o’clock in the morning, as we were continuing instant in prayer, the power of God came mightily upon us, so that many cried out for exceeding joy, and many fell to the ground. As soon as we had recovered a little from that awe and amazement at the presence of His Majesty, we broke out with one voice, ‘We praise thee, O God! We acknowledge thee to be the Lord!’”

On another occasion, Mr. Wesley gives us this account:

“After midnight, about a hundred of us walked home together, singing, rejoicing and praising God.”

Often does this godly man make the record to this effect,

“We continued in ministering the Word and in prayer and praise till morning.”

One of his all-night wrestling in prayer alone with God is said to have greatly affected a Catholic priest, who was really awakened by the occurrence to a realization of his spiritual condition.

As often as God manifested His power in Scriptural times in working wonders through prayer, He has not left Himself without witness in modern times. Prayer brings the Holy Spirit upon men to-day in answer to persistent, continued prayer just as it did before Pentecost. The wonders of prayer have not STOPPED.

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