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Wednesday, June 13, 2007

How can Faith Develop if He is Going to Humor Us Along all the Time?

Tip! Talking to God – This is the one on one type prayer – where we converse with God to develop our relationship with him. We may ask him to help us in areas that we need spiritual, physical or emotional support.

Sometimes I have a test of faith as I mature in God. He doesn't ask me to understand Him; but He understands me perfectly. I don't always understand Him; but I love Him anyway. Sometimes He is very difficult to understand, and I say, "Lord don't look at my tears. Please, look at me, in here, where I'm saying, Yes, Lord. Yes, Lord."

The Holy Spirit never leaves my spirit, but I may not feel His Presence. The Lord has a right to leave me without a touch of His Presence for weeks or months at a time. I have my contact - prayer and His Holy Bible, the word of God, without my need for emotional reaction. If He wants to leave for China (figuratively) for three months, it's all right if I don't get blessed in three months, or even sing a little song while at home walking around.—I pay a price for every last thing I get from God.

I pay a price for it, and I want to. He is not going to baby me — we have to learn that, and that isn't pleasant.—But God is doing something inside of me like a tornado. Then out of that I come out with: "The Lord is wonderful!—He IS wonderful!"

The further we go on in God, the less He is going to honor that field of the emotions. We have to learn to walk with the Lord without His conscious Presence, which is very terrifying. Less and less are we dependent on our old devotional patterns that served for our living.

Tip! “Supplication” is the very soul of prayer in the way of pleading for some one thing, very much needed, and the need intensely felt.

How can faith develop if He is going to humor us along all the time?

In those difficult places we will never be able to synchronize the state in which we are moving with our fluctuating emotions. They will not always flow together. We are trying to let our emotions run parallel with our experience in God.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just found this little piece on prayer that helped me a lot! Thought I would share.
