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Thursday, June 14, 2007

The One - Talented People in this World Today

Tip! An effective prayer life can have a huge impact on not only our own individual life, but on the lives of those around us. Through prayer we can have an impact on our local community, our country and the world.

"He also that had received the one talent came… " Matthew 25:24

The five talented people are the geniuses of this world, successful in everything they touch. The two-talented people, on the one hand, are not exposed to the temptations of genius, but are not quite at the minimum. But why did the man with the one talent make such bad use of his gift?

Surely, this is a true story of life! One-talented people can do so little, that they do nothing. They are crushed and weakened by a sense of their own insignificance and inferiority. Many start life with high and pure aims, but at the moment they find their opportunities so skimpy, their control so limited, their power so scanty, that after a few struggles they give up in complete despair.

But the world will never be saved and helped unless the one-talented people, who are the great majority, can be aroused to a sense of their responsibility. Five men can put the whole energy of their manhood behind their single talents, even as the one man with five talents has only the driving power of one.

It is probably a greater thing in God's sight to use one talent faithfully than many. No one notices the person with their humble one talent. There is no outburst of praise or cheering. It is a greater test of the quality of the soul to go on doing one small thing well, than to be able to turn with brilliant versatility from one talent to another. The boredom of life presses hard on those who have only one string to their bow, one tune to play, one act to perform in the great factory where labor is carefully subdivided.

But the one thing that our Lord demands of each of us is to be faithful--faithful in a very little. He is watching each of us with great eagerness as we live our daily life, because He knows, as we cannot realize, how much our position in the other world depends on our faithfulness in this. It is for our sake that He is so anxious that we should make good use of our one talent.

Tip! The Master will not expect more from anyone than a person is capable of doing for Him. Jesus wants us to understand that each person will be rewarded according to their faithfulness in doing their given task.

Have you only one talent? Are you doing anything with it? Remember it is the ounce-weight that may turn the scales where hundred-weights are balanced; it is the tiny tug boat that can move the great liner. Make sure you are faithful in your very little, and you will receive the "Well done" from our Lord.


O Lord, at the end of every day, may we stand before You to hear Your verdict, and when all the toil and labor of our life is ended, may we hear You say: "Well done, good and faithful servant! Thou hast been faithful in a few things, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord" In Jesus' Name. AMEN.

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