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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Are You Convinced that the Family of God will Ask, Seek, and Knock in Prayer through All Eternity?

Tip! An effective prayer life can have a huge impact on not only our own individual life, but on the lives of those around us. Through prayer we can have an impact on our local community, our country and the world.

"...Every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened." -- Luke 11:10.

It is necessary to for us to think about Christ's teachings concerning our daily bread in order to fully comprehend these three basics principles of prayer, "ask, seek, and knock." We definitely owe it to ourselves and to all people, to think seriously about the fundamental principles of prayer shown to His disciples in answer to their request, "...Lord teach us to pray ..." The very core of this appeal is in itself a prayer to know how to pray.

In the Lord's Prayer, our daily bread is placed as the first request to be asked for by us; "Give us this day our daily bread." The appeal for today's bread only follows the prayer of worship. "...Hallowed be thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done..." This request for bread also comes before the prayer for pardon of sin and protection from evil. Can you see this? Jesus wants us to focus on the Bread of Life. Is it not obvious than what the main subject of the Lord's Prayer is, according to the teachings of Jesus?

Remember Jesus telling us the parable of the man seeking the three loaves of bread from the baker at midnight? The importance was on the bread. If you read on in that same passage, our Lord was emphasizing the need for bread when He concludes His talk by capturing our attention on the son asking bread from his father ( Luke 11:11-13 ).

Can we not see clearly now that Christ's teachings on the asking of bread contain a much more important meaning than just our temporal needs in this life? He obviously planned to stress the fact that we need spiritual food in order to live in time, here, and in eternity, the hereafter. Can you remember how surprised Jesus' disciples were when He said, "I am the bread of life?" When He voiced these words He was making it clear that we cannot live one single day without Him, for He is as necessary to our spiritual lives as bread is important to our physical lives. (See this for yourselves in John 6:48-58.)

Tip! Let us always be aware of the fact that the power that is achieved to do the greater works that are required for Christ, is only gained through fervent prayer and faith in Jesus Christ.

When we sincerely ask for our Lord Jesus, we will receive Him; when we earnestly seek Him, we will find Him; and when we knock at His door, it will be opened to us. These three basics of prayer are enthusiastically understood when we apply them to our Savior, who is our Living Bread from heaven.

Are you as thoroughly convinced as I am that the redeemed family of God will ask, seek, and knock in prayer throughout all eternity? Our prayers will not be bogged down by our weakness in this body and mind as we are in this world now. And every day we are more aware of the fact that we do not know what we should pray for or how to pray for what we need. But in that holy place with a clear mind and a glorified body we will be able to make our requests known to God our Father.

Tip! “Asking of God” and “receiving” from the Lord - direct request to God, immediate connection with God - that is true prayer.

I can find nothing in our Master's teachings to show us that we will ever become self-sustaining in life, both in this world or in the world to come. Is there any legitimate reason then to believe that this relationship will end when we enter heaven? Of course not! It is very plain to see that our Lord wants us to understand this amazing fact; that He made the request for bread the central topic of family life. It is certainly true then, that as long as we live in our Father's house we have to depend on Him to sustain us. Psalms 23:6 says that that is for ever.

That is why I am persuaded that the original principle of asking and giving will continue in all eternity. God affirmed this primary rule of His family when He said to the Son,

Tip! A person’s character is always demonstrated in their behavior. The Savior again said,“A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good ...” -- Luke 6:45

"Ask of me, and I shall give thee..." -- Psalms 2:8

This amazing rule of asking and giving was clearly an essential part of the Savior's ministry on earth. We find this same basic principle in the wonderful truth that He ever lives to make intercession for us.

These three necessary principles of prayer are also shown in nature. It is true that every living thing in creation must be fed. Every plant, insect and living creature on earth has to ask, seek, and knock in order to get food from nature. If we can accept this obvious fact without question; then we must believe that eternal life in heaven will not be sustained free of our relationship with Christ. He supplies our needs in this world day by day in answer to our prayer, and He will keep on supplying our eternal necessities in answer to our prayer. If this is the rule of our Father's household on earth, then why would we ever think it will not continue to be the rule for ever?

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